Peace and Blessings! 💛 I'm Patricia Bester III, a designer, and I'm delighted to welcome you to 'Soulficial,' where we explore Interior style with a Soul Sista's touch. Join me in discovering inspiration for your home, as well as nurturing your mind, body, and soul! ☥
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I truly believe in cultivating spaces that inspire and feed your soul! Please connect with me below ❤ For more eclectic soulful flava for your home, click the image and shop my Society 6 boutique now ♡ pB


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#Detox Haul Part 2

The most essential part of my home detox was staying on top of essential herbs daily. You've probably heard of Embrace Pangea, a website created by an expert natural sista T.C. Atkinson! Her products are an amazing way to get started on your healthy living journey. Out of all the herbs and supplements I source, I feel like this is an amazing one stop shop for detoxing a women's main concerns: your yoni, digestion, and restoring our regular daily nutrients. You can also find these herbs on Amazon, your local grocery or Health and Wellness store.

I haven't tried my yoni bundle just yet, But I've primarily been focused on prepping my circulation with the herbs the shop provides for your daily supplement ritual and stomach detox. The first herb I used was the Moringa Leaf Powder. Moringa is found in many different regions, from Asia, to Africa, as well as the Caribbean. The form supplied by this shop is in a powered leaf form. Moringa is a great anti-inflammatory supplement, it aids in maintaining a healthy heart, and it cleanses your liver! I've been adding mine to tea or pineapple juice such as in the image above. The herb is a dry powder and doesn't necessarily dissolve completely, so make sure you stir it well! 

Burdock Root is known as a serious blood purifier, is native to Europe, Asia, as well as the United states. The texture is similar to Moringa so again, stir it well! For me the herb is very bitter and is definitely my least favorite, so I primarily add it to tea with lemon. The plant helps cleanse your kidneys, your lymphatic system, nourishes your skin, as well as being another powerful anti-inflammatory supplement. 

Bladderwack is delicious to me and I love the natural smell! I typically drink my tea raw with no additions, but this is nice nutty essence to add to any unflavored tea that you would typically enjoy nutmeg or cinnamon in. Bladderwack nourishes bones, thyroids, your heart, and prevents inflammation. Along with assisting in maintaining a healthy metabolism, circulation, and vision. 

I also picked up the So-Biotic digestive probiotic supplement. In a pandemic, a probiotic supplement like this is your best friend. It boost your immune system, wards off anemia, fights colds or flu, constipation, skin issues, and helps you manage allergies. I've been taking this daily with my regular vitamin ritual. 

The last thing I've been making is a home made tincture of apple cider vinegar with mother, turmeric, and a pinch of cayenne. I take a shot of this mixture every other day. Tumeric is an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and can even fight diabetes and cancer! Apple cider vinegar is a natural laxative and it can improve digestion. This a powerful daily shot that can even cure a tummy ache. 

After committing to my herb ritual among exercise, clean eating for my body, and meditation have been the biggest part of my journey. The other part has been reading and committing to Sacred Woman. I've always admired Queen Afua and wanted to further embrace my holistic path this year. Sacred Women is a guide, an encyclopedia, a transcript and a reminder of the sacred power we have always embodied as a people, especially as women to heal ourselves.

As I continue along my path I honor all the healers and the women of the world that remind us and make it their life's mission to teach us the beautiful healing power the environments of our missions often force us to forget. 

What healthy practices are you adopting during this pandemic? I'd love to diversify and try new herbs if you have suggestions. Xo pB